Meet Mike

At True Worth Place, you can occasionally hear the sound of a gentleman singing and playing the guitar for guests. Uplifting songs echo throughout the building, encouraging guests to sing along. Mike is the self-taught musician behind these performances. Although Mike is not an overnight guest at Presbyterian Night Shelter, he still regularly visits True Worth Place to play his guitar for guests. Mike is on his way to having his own home, and says the staff at True Worth Place was an important part of his journey from homelessness to home.   

“Before I came to Presbyterian Night Shelter, I was moving around from shelter to shelter. When I found True Worth Place, I couldn’t believe all the resources they have here. All you have to do is ask for help, and they will help you with whatever you need.”

Mike said the staff at True Worth Place was helpful in getting him an ID and applying for permanent housing. Now that he is on his way to having a home of his own, Mike said that he looks forward to the future. When asked what is one thing you look forward to doing when you have a house of your own, Mike said he hopes to get a motorcycle again and live a healthy and good life.

“Enjoy every day. Life is a gift.”  - Mike

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